Thursday, December 26, 2013


THE HAUNTING PAST: UNEXPECTED MYSTERY Having just returned from our most recent assignment, I, for one, was looking forward to some rest, before our next case. This is what I was looking forward to, as Tami filed our latest case update. Right after Tami filed our closing case notes, she and I were just about to the front door, when Mr. Blue asked us aside. Personally, I was amazed when Mr. Blue promised "This is not a case. I just thought that, since you have finished your work, and are heading out, for a rest, that you might do the firm a small favor. It willl only take five minutes, then you are off, and on your way". When Tami asked "Whats the favor?", Mr. Blue said "All you have to do is deliver some results to a client. Submit our conclusions, and be on your way". Now, WHY did even I suspect something was up? When Tami asked for a look at the case file, Mr. Blue produced it, and let us review it. As Mr. Blue had said, it was straight-forward. A client had contacted the firm, saying they suspected that LIVING relatives were trying to scare them either to death, or to a nervous breakdown. The client contacted the firm, asking for a covert investigation, of the relatives, and the property. The results were conclusive, especially as the property was concerned. The review team had found no evidence of tricks, or electronics. Sure, the family might be happy, when the client passed away, but none had reason to hasten the act. No hidden weapons, of any kind, on the premises. When Tami asked Mr. Blue "Why not have the field team, who did the research, give the final report?", Mr. Blue said the team had been called away, to investigate another case. Since we would be taking Tami's car, I agreed to go along, for "moral support". After all, we were not taking on a case. We were just delivering the results, of an investigation. Thats what we thought, atleast until after we drove onto the grounds, of the estate. I really dont know why, but, ever since Tami and I had been working on these ghost cases, Tami and I had become more sensitive, to the supernatural". We had actually come to a point where we could tell if "dark" magic, or "light" magic, was being used. If there was one thing we had learned, above all others, that would be that not all "demons" have horns, red skin, live by night, etc. We had learned, through trial-and-error, that it was not what was OUTside, that counts. It is the heart, and soul, that counts. I guess that, after several, close encounters, with spirits, we had become more aware of the presense, of spirits. I think this is why, even before we had the house in view, Tami and I could sense the presence of spirits. Not hostile spirits, either. More like "lingering" energy, for lack of a better term. From the moment we entered the estate, Tami agreed with me that we were being watched, and not electronically, either. On approach, to the house, both of us coould sense that this was not a happy place. In fact, it was the opposite of happy. This is why Tami asked me to remember that we were just here, to deliver some results. We were not here, to investigate. The main house was one of those obsolete "monsters", the kind of house not seen outside of movies, nowadays. From the moment that we entered, Tami agreed that she, too, felt the "presense" of spirit activity. In this house, though, the spirits were nowhere near happy, or benign. In this house, the spirits were most UN-happy. What surprised Tami and I was just how UN-happy the homes occupant was, when we supplied the field report, showing that any problems were not manufactured, by man. When informed that there was no tampering going on, the old lady nearly flipped her lid, as she insisted that her family was, in fact, trying to drive her "batty", so they could lay claim to her money. I could only conclude that the woman had decided, long ago, that her family was after her money, and that she was looking for "evidence", to prove this. When the old woman left the room, Tami must have felt the fact that I was reaching out, to the spirits, since she whispered, to me "Oh, no you dont. Remember, we are just here to deliver. No investigating. I want that rest the company has been promising us, for so long." It is true that we had earned a rest, and some of our clients had been so thankful, that Tami and I had kept their names out of the media, that they had given us bonuses, which were accruing interest, even as we spoke. Ofcourse, when some of the bonuses consisted of luxury yachts, and even an island, the size of New York, Tami and I had graciously turned down the offers, and taken the cash value, instead. This is why our "personal" accounts, with the firm, were worth $11 million. People could be VERY grateful, when their privacy was protected. After the old woman had stormed out, and left us alone, Tami had said it was best to wait to bbe escorted out. When I asked her reason, Tami would say "I have a feeling that, if we are not escorted out, that we will be accused of stealing the womans property." Question was, Why was the woman so determined to prove it was the living, which were bothering her? A few minutes later, a young, black, woman came into the room, and in a soft voice, said "Time to leave". She was so sweet, petite, and charming, that I would swear that she could charm a lion, or tiger, out of its prey. Although the woman avoided Tami's questions, she must have sensed my "less-than-pure" thoughts, since she smiled at me, as she showed us out of the house. Tami would say, outside, "Can you believe it, all she would say was that her name was Aimee". I suggested that, since the woman was hired help, she was, probably, instructed not to be "chatty" with visitors. As we walked, to Tami's car, Tami asked me "Do you feel that?" When I asked "What?", Tami said "I feel as if we are being recalled, or asked, to re-enter, the house". I hadn't wanted to say anything, but I had the same feeling. When I saw that Tami was wondering if this was all just "wishful thinking", I wondered the same, but only until a "flood" of "pictures" came to my mind. It was scenes, of some place, I dont remember visiting. It was scenes from some place in the world, where people are, still, sold, as commodities. I was just amazed at how powerful the vision was. It completely blocked out the reality of the day. In what seemed like a dream-state, I found myself being labelled a "Breeder", while Tami, in a nearby cage, was listed as "Domestic". After a few moments, though, I found that I could no-longer read the sign, around my neck, nor could I understand what language our captors spoke to us. I had to let our captors just push us along. The dream turned into a nightmare, as I was stripped naked, then hustled up a platform, like the ones seen in old movies. Odd thing was, the clothes, which were removed, were not the clothes I had worn, that day. The coverings, which were stripped off of my body, were of some animal hide. I just wish that "auctioneer" would not have whacked my crotch, so much, with his whip. I swear I wished I could tuck it inside, by the time he was finished whacking at it. For a moment, I thought I might be in the old west, since all of the bidders were male. If it were the old west, though, why could I not understand the language? After the "auction", I would be hustled to some "pen", with a group, of males, and we would be held here until after sundown. After sundown, a riverboat, steered by an oarsman, and lit by two torches, would drift up to us, and the males would be loaded. The process was as silent as could be. Soon after we left the land, though, some fog seemed to come out of nowhere, and enveloped the boat, to the point where I could not see the person next to me. Moments later, I found myself lying on the ground and, thank God, I was wearing my oown clothes. As for where I was, all I could see was some very tall, old, tree's. When I saw a figure moving, in the distance, I whispered Tami's name, multiple times, until the figure came close enough to be seen. When Tami came into my line of sight, and she said "You wont believe the dream I just had", I asked her "Where are we?" She replied "I was hoping that you knew". When I saw a light, in the distance, I suggested that we head for it. Turns out, it was the lights, of the old womans house. That, and the fact that, whatever had happened, had lasted from mid-afternoon until after dark. What Tami and I found strange was that her car was no-longer in the driveway. When we checked our phones, we found their batteries, dead, as well. When Tami and I returned to the house, the staff denied us entry, but they agreed to call our boss. When a maid returned to say our boss was on the way, the maid asked "May I inquire where you have been?" When we admitted that we did not know, the maid claimed that search parties had been out, for over a week, and that Tami's car had been recovered, by the agency. Ofcourse, Tami and I were sure this was not true, since we had only been "out", for a few hours. When a company van came to collect us, boy, did they have questions, not the least of which was to report on where we had been, for over three weeks. By the time Tami and I were delivered to the firms offices, we saw the bustle, of activity, as some people asked for verification, of personnel return, while others were busy calling off search parties. When Tami asked "Whats up, and whose missing?", Mr. Brown said "Very funny". When Tami and I seemed confused, Mr. Brown spelled it out. "You two disappearred, from that old bags estate, over three weeks ago. Since then, she has been claiming that you two stole her property, including a get-a-way car, and went into hiding. The firm has had eight search parties out, looking for you." When Tami asked "What happened to my car?", Mr. Brown said "The lady insisted that the police not only impound it, until her property is returned, but she had it taken apart, before reporting it to the police. Whoever did the job was pretty sloppy, too. Two of our mechanics are re-building the car, as we speak. Now, where have you two been". Tami and I told staff, seperately, about the maid, Aimee, who had let us out of the house, and how we had felt drawn back to the house. Tami and I spoke of what had seemed like dreams, and how we had been taken to a place, where English was not spoken. We finished by telling how, after being "consumed" by the fog, we had found ourselves back on the womans property, yet a distance from where we had left Tami's car. Although we heard Mr. Blue saying "They must have heard that story, somewhere else.", as if accusing Tami and I of lying, or something. Mr. Brown was not so convinced, though. Mr. Brown would, soon, tell Tami and I why the original team had not delivered the results, themselves. It seems that the primary team had lost much more than a few weeks of time. The primary team had been listed as Missing: Presumed Kidnapped for two months, before the members returned, with a story, about a "mist" taking them someplace, where no one spoke English. After what seemed, to the team, like just a couple of days, the "mist" had brought them back, only to find that they had been missing, for over two months. The old lady had insisted that, even the first team had stolen from her, and that she wanted them prosecuted. She claimed this was the real reason they had "disappearred". When Tami asked "What about the Maid: Aimee?", Mr. Brown would say that the maid, in question, was not a recent member of staff. "According to family history, the maid was purchased as a "plaything", for an owners son, who lived about 150+ years ago. Turns out that slave spurned the boys affections, and was tortured to death, foor "Failure to Comply with masters wishes". Neither Tami nor I could believe this story. Not that we hadn't seen some ghosts, of our own. Each ghost we had met had its own personailty, and none had proven to be subserviant. Aimee was one, for the record books. A ghost maid. Now, HOW could I got aroused, by a ghost? While Mr. Brown was busy clearing our records (since no stolen goods had been found, either in Tami's car, nor on our persons), Tami and I spent some quality time, reviewing the homes history, on our own. I assume that, the reason Mr. Brown did not mention the houses full history, was because he was being pressed, either to turn us over, to law enforcement, or to clear our names. This is why Tami and I ended up, back on our plane, running an internet search. Trouble was that, for most property listings, "history" only went back about 175 years. Tami said this wasn't far enough since all of the homes records indicted the phrase "At present location". When I asked, Tami said "This means that, originally, the house was located elsewhere, then was moved to its current location. We need to find out just WHERE it came from." Tami and I would spend weeks combing old records, of the current area, while filing requests, for access, to very old, historical, records. (So much for the promise of a vacation). While awaiting per mission, to view the records, Social Security decided to pull a "random" review, on Tami. According to the review letter, the center, of the investigation, was to be the topic of "Should a suicidal patient be allowed to operate a motor vehicle". Funny thing was, the sub-topic was to be "Should a patient, taking medications, be allowed to operate a motor vehicle" I had the thought that, if everyone, who consumed medications, on a daily basis, was prohibited from driving, I would think that motor traffic, on American roads, would be down, by 75%. By the time the approvals came through, on the old records, I would learn that it was a good thing that I did NOT attend Tami's hearing, especially with the way the hearing left Tami as a complete wreck. In my opinion, Tami would have been left, in much better shape, if should had been in the center of a fifty car pile-up, and pinned in place, for days. According to her parents, who attended the "hearing", with Tami, it seems that the federal reviewers just kept "pounding" Tami, relentlessly, about the suicide attempt, insisting that she had, in fact, deliberately, tried to kill herself. Truth is, even under drug-, and hypnosis, based therapy, Tami had no memory, not even a repressed memory, about taking the overdose. Still, her parents said the reviewers "pounded" at the girl, demanding that she admit, of her own, free, will, that she did, in fact, know she had taken the overdose. After two, full, un-relenting, hours, of interrogation, Tami had broken down, into tears, and had to be removed from the interrogation room. The lead interrogator said the "hearing" would resume, once Tami was stabilized. Both of Tami's parents said they were shocked at how hard the interrogator was pounding at the girl. They said the "hearing" reminded them of stories, of the Salem with trials. With Tami heavily sedated, and restrained, in an intensive care, psychiatric, unit, clumsy old me was left to go through the same records, that Tami had learned to "navigate", at "warp-speed". Tami could create "search engines", and find documents, in moments. The same documents it would take me HOURS, if not DAYS, to find. I guess that it didn't help that part of my focus was on this special woman. A woman who made life bearable, for me. For two weeks, after the "hearing", all Tami's family could tell me was that Tami was so far "out" that she didn't even respond to voices. Talk about feeling helpless. Here I was, looking into the old history, of a house, which an old woman was certain her kids were trying to get her kicked out of, while my friend, and coo-worker, was facing something I doubt I would wish on anyone. I dont know just how he did it, but, Mr. Brown got hold of some footage, of a follow-up "hearing", and he was NOT impressed with the results. He, then, got on the phone, and barked at some people, in order to gain more information, which, it seems, he took before some of the agencies primary backers. When the financiers asked how our investigation was going, Mr. Brown said "I have this to show you". He, then, played back the footage he had, so far: An interrogator was in a hospital room, with Tami, who was, obviously, barely conscious, and barking "I DEMAND an answer, right NOW!" When Tami asked, in her drugged state "What was the question?", the interrogator barked, again "Tell me why you tried to commit suicide." When Tami's drug-addled mind left her with the question "I did?", the interrogator got right in the girls face, and barked "The tests showed your stomach contents, after you were found. Stop pretending you dont know what I am talking about! You tried to commit suicide! Admit it!" After watching another five minutes, of the interrogator shouting, at Tami, that she had to admit that she had tried to kill herself, the financiers told Mr. Brown to turn it off. When asked what her status was, at present, Mr. Brown could only say "After that attack, she is back, under very heavy sedation. The reviewer I sent in, to examine her, says she is being kept under, so far, that the reviewer doubts she is even aware of the passage of time". When another financier asked "Is this the same woman, whose case we reviewed, and found some many discrepancies with?", Mr. Brown said "Yes, that is correct". When asked "Have the discrepanies been explained, as yet?", Mr. Brown said "NO attempt has bbeen made, beyond our own, to even review the case. As far as federal, state, and local, authorities are concerned, Tami was listed as, and remains, suicidal." When a third financier asked "Just what is it that the feds want, from this lady? An admission? A congession? What?" Mr. Brown would have to say "This is un-clear, even to me. All I know is that the feds have broken up one of my most successful teams, over something only the feds seem to understand." The head fiancier told Mr. Brown "Return to your post, while we do some investigating. Maybe WE can find out what is going on". Back, in the southern United States, my own investigation was worse than no investigation. Since I had no real search parameters, I was left to sit around, eating, taking walks, and trying to figure out HOW to find out about the homes history. For some reason, none of the locals would even talk to me. I might as welll have leprocy, for all they cared. Then word came. Mr. Browns secretary contacted me, asking me to return to town, at my leisure. Tami was being moved to a private facility, and the firm thought it best that she have familiar faces about her, as she came out of the drugs. Even when I returned to town, I had to wait atleast ten days, before the "pharmacy" drained out of Tami's body. The doctor, and her family, said it would be days, maybe weeks, before Tami was coherent. She had so much drugs, in her system, that even one additional dose would be fatal. The doctor wouid not even give Tami anything, to help remove the drugs. She was that heavily drugged. Ofcourse, the interrogator filed a formal protest, with Social Security, saying that, given some more time, the interrogator could get Tami to admit trying to kill herself. Problem was, Mr. Brown had connections, of his own, so the file was ammended to read "Unless Tami becomes a definite threat, to herself, or others, such as trying to KILL another person, she willl remain in the custody of the firm". It would be another two weeks, after Tami came out, of the drugs, before she remembered her family, then another week before she remembered about US, and the case. When Tami mentioned the case, she and I shared a laugh, which her doctor did not understand, until Tami said "It was not even supposed to be a case. Mr. Blue simply asked us to deliver results, of an investigation, yet, here we are". I had to be honest, and tell Tami that, without her computer skills, the investigation was going nowhere. I fact, I had suspended my access, to documents, until she re-joined me. When Tami asked the doctor about possibble departure, the doctor was pleasant as he said "We will be watching, for another week, just to be sure the drugs are out of your system." When Tami asked about computer access, the doctor would say that her room was wired up, courtesy of Mr. Brown. She could spend her recovery time traversing the internet, to her content. Granted, over the next week, she did slice herself, once, but it was obvious, even to staff, that this was NOT attempted suicide. It was the type of cut which chefs, house-wives, and others, do everyday. By the time her release papers were delivered, Tami had found the homes original location, owners, and so on. As it turns out, the house was NOT built 150+ years ago, as thought. It was MOVED, to its current location, about 160+ years ago. That is why records showed the phrase "Current Location". The house, itself, had started out as one of those sod huts, which colonists hid out in, over the winter. It was built sometime around the 1400's, maybe a bit earlier. Over time, the sod hut had become first a small, family, home, then had been added onto, over the years, as generations came and went, and the house, eventually became part of a growing community. One thing Tami and I knew, about such houses, was that they, like other buildings, had many at-home deaths, under their roofs, over the years. Yes, a few murders, but a vast majority were just people, dying of either injury, illness, or the most common factor, old age. Funeral homes had not existed, in those days, so the dead were cared for, by the living. Tami and I sometimes wondered just how many, of America's finest homes, sat on the graves of long-dead ancestors. A gruesome thought we never gave much thught to. Tami was able to find out HOW the old woman had known the house had a history. Records showed that the woman had, over decades, spent her life researching the family past. If past histories were correct, it would seem that, atleast once, every century, greedy relatives did, in fact, try to have current occupants declared infirm, so that family could take over the property. Tami's research found that this had not started, here in town, either. In fact, at its previous location, the house had a 300 year history, of being a "meeting place for evil", since atleast four family members had been driven insane, on the premises. As for how the house had been funded, over the years, this, too, took a bit of investigating. It would turn out that the majority, of the homes construction, was made possible, by varoius wagers made, over many years. Un-like other gamblers, though, who made money, then "blew it", on fancy stuff, for themselves, the owners, of this property, had used centuries, of earnings, off such wagers, to finance the family "dream home". Over a few centuries time, money, acquired from gambling, had been used to made the home large, safe, and beautiful, including, by some reports, a place containing valuable paintings, artwork, and objects, of gold. Money, not spent on the home, itself, was spent purchaing surrounding lands. According to atleast a few, hand-written, land surveys, the family property had gone from a simple, five acre, spread, to owning most of the pre-federal zoning land, in the area. The family had been both rich, and lucky. Generations had been born, lived, and died, in the old house. One thing, which, still, puzzles me, about 1929, and that was how the bbanks could "lose" hundreds of millions, of depositors money, just because a few Wall Street investors made bad choices. Although the family had owned the land, outright, in the years before the Great Crash, of 1929, once the market crashed, the owners had been given a choice. Immediate pay-off, of taxes, and fee's, which should not have been due, for six more months, or that the land would be auctioned off. Auctioning off just ten percent of the land would have paid off any due debts, but the Internal Revenue Service insisted that ALL tha land be auctioned off, including the house. Although, under law, the IRS was required to turn over any profits, left over, from the sale, to the family, the IRS instead claimed the money was going "on deposit", against any future tax debts. Even with Tami's excellent computer skills, she could track the funds no further than when they were deposited, to a "general fund", under "miscellanious expenses". After that, the money was gone. The house, then sat empty, for years, amid rumors of "ghosts", and so on. With so many at-home burials, though, who was to say that the house was not seriously, haunted? Tami found out how the old woman came into ownership of the house, as well. Seems the woman was "sold off", to a rich, elderly, man, to pay off family debts. The man wanted a companion, for his declining days, and was willing to pay, handsomely, for this company. The family sold off the child, to the man, paid off their bills, then seemed to "vanish" into history. The old man lasted just long enough to make the marriage legal. It seems that, after his death, people came "out of the wood-work", claiming he owed money, or that they were relatives, and so on. It seems that her husand HAD made some deals, over the years, but had conned "investors", by abusing the age-old practice, oof the "hand-shake" deal. He took peoples money, promising a good return. When deals came through, though, he would ask victims for proof of investment. When victims had no proof, the man kept the profits, and created his fortune. The one debt he was trying to avoid, prior to his death, was the contract, with the moving coompany, which had moved the house, for him. It seems that, once the man made his fortune, he had wanted a house which had the "air" of oppulence. He even placed one million dollars into an escrowe account, as a down-payment (on condition that he approved the purchase). When the realtor found the house, the man had said that the contract read "Approval based upon condition of the house, upon delivery". The man implied that it was up to the realtor to PAY all transport costs, if he wanted his commission. When the realtor wanted to back out, of the deal, the man was clever enough to begin using contacts to tell other, potential, clients, that the realtor was NOT a man, of his word. The realtor ended up taking out five million, in loans, to move the house, to its current location. Five million the man promised would be re-paid, upon approval of purchase. Although the house was, safely, moved, with little, structural, damage, the purchaser refused to approve the purchase, claiming that the house was not in "perfect" condition. The purchaser also refused to pay, to have the home taken away. If the records were right, the realtor ended up losing everything, going to debtors prison, then working his way back out of prison, and into the work-world. Still, the widow found herself facing a fifteen million, overdue bill, for the house, and she had forgotten to ask her husband WHERE the money was kept. All he had told her was that, if she married him, her expenses would be paid. It seems that the bil remained un-paid, until the statute of limitations, ran out. After that, the bill could not be collected. As for what any of this had to do, with the hauntings, and the lady, it seems that the greed, she had seen, after her husbands death, turned her heart cold, as she realized just how many greedy people there were, in the world. After the old man was dead, it seems that the woman did tyake on lovers, but she wouldn't let any man touch her, until after they signed a legal agreement, denying any access to family money. When she met her childrens father, she had him agree, in writing, that he would continue to work, and support himself. To protect the money, she had a paper attached to all legal documents, stating that her children would receive ONLY "allowances", and that, on their behalf, she waived their rights, to family money. It was after this that the woman began "hearing", and "seeing" things. Her children abandoned her, once old enough, since they were tired of hearing that they were "gold-diggers". They kept her grand-children away, as well. In fact, except for the staff, the woman had the house, to herself, for decades. When I asked Tami for a run-down, on who had died, at either location, Tami said she could, only, reliably, check, on the past fifty years. Thats all there were reliable records for. Before this, all she could do was estimate, since there were no records. A call, to Mr. Brown, gave us permission to contact the homes original church, for more information, while the agency searched out any churches, which served the homes current location. Tami was ready to go, except that Mr. Brown told her "Your interrogator has filed an official complaint, about your removal from custody. If you go on this trip, and Social Security catches you, we will be back at square one. This is the ONLY reason I am sending him, alone". When Tami asked "What if I DO sign the papers, agreeing that I tried to kill myself? Would that help the case?" Mr. BBrown said "Our attorneys are reviewing the case, and they say that, even if you give them what they want, all that will happen is that you will end up back in lock up, drugged out of your mind. Be patient, and let us handle it." As a result, I would end up travelling, alone, making nice, with people, and finding out what I had hoped I would not learn. Sure, local churches kept records, of home-births, and deaths, but it was the sheer number that overcame me. Even with a nuns help, it was four days before we had a partial list, of the activity, at the house. Thankfully, I had brought a USB 32 GB flash-drive with me. That, and a digital camera. Tami would have her work cut out, for her, trying to raise the faded writing, on the pages. As far as I could tell, there were hundreds of names, to check on, and just as many poossibilities, for who was hauting the old girl. By the time I returned to town, Tami had been to the local church, and added her own list, of names, to my list. Our combined resullt was a list of names, long enough, to populate 25% of our city with. These were just the RECORDED deaths, too. Who know HOW many deaths had not been recorded? Then, Tami told me of something, which she prayed was not true. "I taked to a local occultist, who had found out we were investigating the womans estate, and he recalls the woman, coming to his father, years ago, looking for magic spells, with which to protect her assets. The occultist said his father turned the woman away, after giving her some suggested, "new age" reading. When I checked out the titles, in question, I verified that the contents are no more dangerous than saying "Abracadabra". This lead me to wonder about what Tami was, already, wondering about. If the occultist learned of the womans desire, what would stop a dark magick practitioner from making contact, as well? When Tami saw my look, she said "Please tell me that you are NOT thinking what I think you ARE thinking". When I suggested "If simple occultists could contact the lady..." Tami and I hoped we were not on the right track, with this. If we were, may God help the old woman. When we returned to the property, Tami was the first to notice that the enclosure wall only surrounded the public facing side, of the property. With a bit of athletics, we made our way around the side, closer to the rear of the property, and this is where we saw what we had hoped we wouldn't see. A person, wrapped in a demons robe, and what might have been a goats head. There was a fire nearby, and the woman was talking to the masked figure. "Please, sir, you must help me. I am sure that my family is planning to steal my money. Help me protect my money. It is mine. I earned it." When the "demon" responded "The protection is, already, in place, and more powerful than it needs to be". Still, the woman pleaded "I am certain that my children are out, for my money. I want to keep it. I will do whatever you say, only let me keep my money". When the "demon" asked "Do you agree to the terms?", the woman said "I do". Moments later, many flashes, of lightning, came out of a clear sky, and struck the house, which seemed to radiate energy. After that, the "demon" said "It is done. Now, GO, and calll me no more". In a ball of light, the "demon" vanished, then the lady returned to the main house, while Tami and I investigated the location, where the "demon" had vanished. We stamped the ground, hard, and checked the tree's, repeatedly. Whatever that thing was, it was not using trap doors, or harnesses. Soon, from the main house, we heard screams, and staff began running away, in sheer terror. Something told me that the old woman had gotten more than she bargained for. When Tami and I got inside the house, bright lights were flashing, everywhere, as ghostly mists swirled around, and about, the rooms of the house. Thankfully, nothing paid attention, to Tami and I. When we found the old lady, she was in her death throes, even as a horde of demons, and spirits, crowded around her bed, and attacked her, without mercy. It was only after her heart stopped, and her eyes went lifeless, that the demons, and spirits, turned to us, and a woman ghost came to us, whispering "This is what she wanted. No one to have access to her money, while she lived. Now, she no-longer has to fear anyone taking her money". With that, a "parade", of ghosts and demons, departed the womans bedroom, acting like mourners, at a wake. As the supernatural parade walked, peacefully, from the house, TTami and I could feel the energy levels dropping back to normal. In a final report, which no one would believe, Tami would report that the living had nothing to doo with the womans condition. When contacted, her grand-children made it clkear that they wanted nothing to do with the woman, who had spurned their parents. Tami also noted that the activity, in the house, was not only supernatural, but that the woman had called it forward, herself. Why she had insisted upon accusing her own family, for her own actions, was something we didn't bother to try to explain. All that we knew was that the wooman was so determined to protect her money that she had made the worst deal, of her life, to protect the money. She had "armed" her home, with more ghosts, ghouls, and demons, than woulld be necessary, to protect Fort Knox. In the end, she paid the price, for her greed. After her death was verified, by the coroners office, the woman would be laid to restt, in a paupers grave, since no one knew where her money came from, or whom to contact, for payment. Since her family did not want the grounds, or anything thereon, everything went to auction, with proceeds paying her final expenses. Final case file update, for reasons unknown, the agency has found that a deposit, of $20 million has been posted, to Tami and my own, shared account. To date, no one has been able to track its source, and tha only memo was "Thank you, for resolving this case". Un-signed. Just as Mr. Brown was about to wish us a happy vacation, and Mr. Blue brought a file forward, two, federal, marshals came forward, hand-cuffed Tami, and read her rights. When Mr. Brown asked the meaning, a marshal brought forth an arrest warrant, stating that Tami was an "escaped" patient, who was to be returned to custody, pending formal charges. When Mr. Brown looked at the name, of the judge, who signed off, on the warrant, he knew exactly what had happened. The feds had gotten hold of a judge, who would never consider ruling against them, and had this judge issue the warrant. When Mr. Brown would say " I know this judge, and he does not CARE about the law. All he cares about is keeping management happy." Tami was re-entering the living HELL, of the mental health system, where drugs would be used to torture her into giving a "confession". Guilty, or not, she would be forced to confess, even if she had to be drugged, un-conscious, and her hand, and the pen, held stable, by staffers, as staff used Tamis hand to write her signature, on a confession. They would have to work, fast, though, since Tami now had Mr. Browns backing, and Mr. Browns agency had resources at its disposal, like no one dared dream.

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